Quantum Science Initiative
The MTSU Quantum Science Initiative is an interdisciplinary program that brings together researchers from various departments, including
- Physics (Hanna Terletska, Neda Naseri, Daniel Erenso, William Robertson, Suman Neupane, Abdi Samar, Ron Henderson)
- Chemistry (Jing Kong, Keying Ding, Preston MacDougall, Greg van Patten, Andrienne Friedli)
- Computer Science (Joshua Phillips)
- Department of Mathematical Sciences (Wandi Ding)
- Department of Engineering Technology (Emmanuel Rowe)
- Womack Educational Leadership Department (Ryan Seth Jones)
- Data Science Institute (Ryan Otter)
- CDS program (John Wallin)
- Tennessee Center For Education: TSEC (Greg Rushton)
- MTSU Women in STEM Center: WISTEM (Judith Iriarte-Gross)
- MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences (Dean Greg van Patten)